Serve Sunday 2023

Mark your calendar for Serve Sunday on July 30! We will be worshiping that day with our hands and feet by serving our neighbors. After gathering at 10:00 am for a brief time of music and devotion, we will participate in short service projects that support several of our church's mission partners and ministries. Projects include:

  • Organizing a clothing closet at Children's Village
  • Leading a hymn sing at Orchard Ridge 
  • Touching up the paint on our Head Start preschool's storage shed
  • Cataloging our Head Start preschool's picture book library
  • Assembling UMCOR hygiene kits
  • Weeding the Community Garden
  • Writing encouraging notes to our homebound members and Benevolence Fund recipients
  • Organizing the Children's Ministry closet

Please sign up for projects before July 30 so we know how many people to plan for. Sign up sheets are in the church lobby or email with your preferred project.
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