2023 Easter Offering

Dear Church,

See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland. (Isaiah 43:19)

God is always doing a new thing and we are especially aware of God's creative presence during the Easter season. As springtime blooms around us, our hearts respond, opening to the wonder of God's creation. We marvel at its abundance and beauty. Each budding tree and blossoming flower is a sign of hope and a reminder that resurrection is at the very heart of nature - what was once dead has come back to life!

As our hearts turn expectantly to Easter, let us not forget that we are called to share the hope we have received in Jesus' death and resurrection with our neighbors. Last year, our local unit of United Women in Faith challenged the congregation to a friendly competition for our Easter offering. Together we raised $6000 to bring the 2nd Harvest Mobile Market truck to our church three times, providing 900 food-insecure neighbors with free and nutritious food.
This year the UWiF is challenging us to do the same! They are challenging us to meet or beat their donation of $3000 to 2nd Harvest so the Mobile Market can return to the corner of Ramsey and Hanley and bless hungry people in our community.

What do you say, church? Challenge accepted?

You can donate to this effort by bringing a cash or check for our offering on Easter Sunday, or mailing a donation to the church during Eastertide (April 9-May 21). Please address checks to "Community UMC" with "Easter offering" as the memo. You can also give online at cdaumc.org/give - choose "2023 Easter offering" from the dropdown menu.
Thank you for your prayers and generosity, and may God do a new thing in each of our lives!

Easter blessings,

Pastor Amanda

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