Building a Visitation Ministry

One of the marks of a resilient church is the ability to adapt to changing needs and contexts. Community UMC has a growing need for a visitation ministry focused on extending our church's hospitality and care to homebound members, building connections with visitors/new members, and responding to emergency care requests in the church and community. To help meet that need, we are pleased to announce Rev. Carol Noy as CUMC's new Visitation Minister. Her new role includes assisting Pastor Amanda with pastoral care and visitation, building a lay visitation team, managing benevolence requests, and improving how the church connects with visitors and new members. As a retired United Methodist elder, Carol brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this role, as well as a real passion for this ministry. As of February 1, Carol's previous job as Worship Coordinator has been retired. Many thanks to the staff and volunteers who have been absorbing her Worship Coordinator responsibilities over the last four months in preparation for this transition. Congratulations Carol!
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