Introducing our Resilient Church Fellow, Courtney Haupt!

As part of the Resilient Church Project, we are privileged to host a Whitworth University student for the summer! Courtney Haupt just finished her junior year and will join us on Sunday, June 4. She will be observing and participating in all aspects of our faith community - worship, small groups, discipleship, mission, pastoral care, and administration - while also taking field notes that will form the basis of a report on our church's culture and identity.

“My name is Courtney Haupt and I am a senior at Whitworth University, where I am double majoring in Global Sociology and Spanish with a Latin American Studies minor. Some of my hobbies include jewelry-making, playing piano, and hiking. I have an extensive background in church ministry, from leadership roles in my church’s youth group to volunteering and mission work. I believe in equal treatment and opportunities for all people, regardless of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, etc. I am planning on getting my Master’s in Anthropology and my goal is to conduct ethnographic research about different cultures/subcultures within and outside the U.S. and to publish my findings. I believe understanding cultures helps us know how to help ourselves and others, both logistically and by how we perceive other cultures, which I believe God calls us to do through mutual solidarity with one another. Understanding cultures creates appreciation of our differences and similarities, and fosters greater empathy in how we relate to each other. It is for these reasons I am participating in the Resilient Fellowship Program.”

Please help make Courtney feel welcome! If you would like to take her to lunch or coffee, sign up in the church lobby. We will formally welcome Courtney in worship on June 4 with an ice cream social after.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Amanda

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