Summer Book Study: Not in God's Name

Join Pastor Amanda for a summer book study of Rabbi Jonathan Sack's Not in God's Name: Confronting Religious Violence. This book will supplement our summer worship series (starting June 11) on the story of Abraham and his descendants in Genesis and Exodus. We will gather periodically throughout the summer to discuss what we have been reading. To sign up, email the office at or add your name to the sign-up sheet in the church lobby.

In this book, Rabbi Sacks tackles the phenomenon of religious extremism and violence. Through an exploration of the roots of violence and its relationship to religion, and employing groundbreaking biblical analysis and interpretation, Rabbi Sacks shows that religiously inspired violence has as its source misreadings of biblical texts at the heart of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. By looking anew at the book of Genesis, Rabbi Sacks offers a radical rereading of many of the Bible’s seminal stories of sibling rivalry: Cain and Abel, Isaac and Ishmael, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers, Rachel and Leah. Here is an eloquent call for people of goodwill from all faiths and none to stand together, confront religious extremism, and declare: Not in God’s Name. Order this book through your favorite bookseller, or contact the office if you would like a book ordered for you.

Reading Plan

Week of June 11: Chapters 1-2
Week of June 18: Chapters 3-4
Week of June 25: Chapter 5
Week of July 2: Chapters 6-7
Week of July 9: Chapter 8
Week of July 16: Chapter 9
Week of July 23: Chapter 10
Week of July 30: Chapter 11
Week of August 6: Chapter 12
Week of August 13: Chapter 13
Week of August 20: Chapter 14
Week of August 27: Chapter 15

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