Come to Messy Church this Sunday!

Messy Church is a monthly hands-on, family-friendly, all-ages worship service. At Messy Church we believe that God meets us in the mess! We practice the values of all-ages together, celebration, creativity, hospitality, and centering ourselves in Christ. Here's what you can expect at a Messy Church service:

- Welcome
- Hands-on activities
- A short Bible story lesson
- and a FREE community meal!

Our February service will focus on Colossians 2:6-7: “Live your lives in Christ Jesus the Lord in the same way as you received him. Be rooted and built up in the way of Jesus, established in the faith as you are taught, overflowing in thanksgiving” (NRSV, adapted). Together we will explore ways to stay rooted and built up in Jesus as we live our messy lives. All are welcome! Come support this new ministry with your prayers and presence.

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