Laity Sunday 2022

Laity Sunday is a day set aside to remember and lift up a 24/7 reality: the priesthood and ministry of all believers (1 Peter 2:5-9). In Protestant Christianity, we believe in three kinds of priesthoods: The priesthood of every baptized Christian, the priesthood of ordained clergy, and the priesthood of Jesus, who is our High Priest in heaven. Laity Sunday celebrates the ministry of all Christians to love God and neighbor. Every person is invited to participate in the community of healing love, justice, and world transformation. On Laity Sunday we lift up the vocation of all (all means all) to follow the way of Jesus and lead others to him.

Laity Sunday is a special Sunday defined by The United Methodist General Conference, “to celebrate the ministry of all Christians” (2016 Book of Discipline, ¶ 264.2). Read about the history of Laity Sunday here:

We are observing Laity Sunday with an entirely lay-led worship service! Our lay speaker will be Michael Keffer, a retired Licensed Local Pastor and friend of CUMC. John Townsend, member of CUMC and our Inland District Lay Leader, will give a Mission Moment on the importance of lay ministries. And our music ministry has a special hymn sing planned. I hope to see many of you this Sunday as I worship alongside you and give thanks for the priesthood of all believers.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Amanda
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