Building a Visitation Ministry
on February 2nd, 2023
One of the marks of a resilient church is the ability to adapt to changing needs and contexts. Community UMC has a growing need for a visitation ministry focused on extending our church's hospitality and care to homebound members, building connections with visitors/new members, and responding to emergency care requests in the church and community. To help meet that need, we are pleased to announce...  Read More
Pastor's Notebook: Introducing Our Winter Worship Series, Glimpses of the Kin-dom
on January 5th, 2023
Today is the twelfth day of Christmas and the day before the Epiphany (January 6). In the Eastern Christian tradition (and all Christianity traces its roots to the ancient Near East), Epiphany Day is known as Theophany Day. A theophany is God's self-revelation. The burning bush that spoke to Moses was a theophany. So was the pillar of cloud and fire that led the Israelites out of Egypt, and the sh...  Read More
Pastor's Notebook: Star Words
on December 22nd, 2022
Dear Church,Eight years ago, I took up the practice of choosing a word to guide me spiritually in the new year. The first word I chose was “wellness.” I was working with a spiritual director on healing from a period of intense disappointment, and I wanted to spend that year focused on my physical, emotional, and spiritual health. So, I chose “wellness” to focus my intention. That was 2015, the yea...  Read More
All-Church Bible Study: The Bible Year Starting January 15th
on December 15th, 2022
In 2023, journey with Pastor Amanda through the Bible cover-to-cover with the help of Magrey deVega's Bible devotional The Bible Year. This study breaks the Bible down into daily readings enriched with thematic and devotional content. We will meet Sunday mornings after worship to discuss the week's readings (with supplementary video content), encourage each other in the daily discipline of meditat...  Read More
2022 Christmas Offering: Community Benevolence Fund
on December 15th, 2022
Dear Church,One Sunday after worship, a young man and his family came to the church seeking help. They were migrant farmworkers trying to get back to their home in Arizona after the harvest. Their van needed new tires, which they could not afford. It was not clear who in Coeur d'Alene could help meet their need, particularly on a Sunday afternoon, and they were not sure where to turn for help, so ...  Read More
Pastor's Notebook: Introducing our Advent Worship Series: Generation to Generation
on November 24th, 2022
Dear Church,This Sunday marks the beginning of Advent and the beginning of a new year in the church calendar. Once more, in the midst of our holiday preparations and activities, we are invited to still our hearts and enter into the ancient story of God made flesh in the birth of Jesus Christ. The stories, scriptures, and traditions of the Christmas season have been passed down to us throughout the...  Read More
All-Church Advent Study: Light of the World
on November 10th, 2022
In this short book, biblical scholar Amy-Jill Levine explores the biblical texts surrounding the story of the birth of Jesus. Together we will learn about how the Gospel stories connect to the Old Testament, the role of women in first-century Judaism, the importance of Mary’s visitation and the revolutionary implications of Mary’s Magnificat, the census and the stable, and the star of Bethlehem an...  Read More
2023 Giving Campaign: Look for your mailing!
on November 3rd, 2022
2023 Giving Campaign: Look for your mailing! If you are on our mailing list, you should have received or will receive soon your 2023 Giving Campaign mailing. This mailing includes a pastoral letter, narrative budget, and 2023 estimated giving card. You can also access digital versions of these items below or pick up a print copy at the church. Estimated giving cards can be returned to the church b...  Read More
on November 3rd, 2022
Advent is just around the corner! This year our church is participating in a fun global photo campaign called #AdventWord. You are invited to look through your 2022 photos and send a photo or two to the church that represents one or more of the words on the #AdventWord list. These photos will be shared in the Messenger, on our social media accounts, and in a display at the church as a way to prepa...  Read More
Pastor's Notebook: Introducing Our Stewardship Worship Series, #BeUMC
on October 27th, 2022
Pastor's Notebook: Introducing Our Stewardship Worship Series, #BeUMC It is stewardship season at CUMC! Your Finance Team has been hard at work preparing the church budget for 2023. The budget is a practical document that helps us wisely steward the financial gifts that are given to the church. But more than that the budget is a statement of values. It describes who we are and what we do as a fait...  Read More
Laity Sunday 2022
on October 20th, 2022
Laity Sunday is a day set aside to remember and lift up a 24/7 reality: the priesthood and ministry of all believers (1 Peter 2:5-9). In Protestant Christianity, we believe in three kinds of priesthoods: The priesthood of every baptized Christian, the priesthood of ordained clergy, and the priesthood of Jesus, who is our High Priest in heaven. Laity Sunday celebrates the ministry of all Christians...  Read More
Pastor's Notebook: Gifted for More Worship Series
on September 14th, 2022
This Sunday we begin our fall worship series, Gifted for More. Every person is a gift from God with gifts to share! In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul wrote that our gifts exist for the benefit of others rather than for only ourselves: “The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I don’t need you!’ And the head cannot say to the feet, ‘I don’t need you!’ so that there should be no division in the body, b...  Read More