Introducing our Resilient Church Fellow, Courtney Haupt!
on May 23rd, 2023
As part of the Resilient Church Project, we are privileged to host a Whitworth University student for the summer! Courtney Haupt just finished her junior year and will join us on Sunday, June 4. She will be observing and participating in all aspects of our faith community - worship, small groups, discipleship, mission, pastoral care, and administration - while also taking field notes that will for...  Read More
The Resilient Church: Past - Present - Future
on May 18th, 2023
On May 8-11, Pastor Amanda, Sherry Graham, and Fred Asher attended a retreat/workshop at Camp Spalding in Washington to launch our participation in the Resilient Church Project.The purpose of the workshop was to meet and discuss with several other churches (small and large) and from different areas of the country the future of the local church and its sustainability as a means of sharing the Gospe...  Read More
Pastor's Notebook: A Statement on Church Disaffiliations
on May 3rd, 2023
Dear Church,In John 17, Jesus prays to the Father for his disciples and all believers to be "one as we are one" (v. 12). This verse is part of Jesus' Farewell Discourse as he prepared for his crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. Jesus was preparing his followers to receive their mission of being his body on earth after he ascended to be with the Father. The unity of that body is part of our w...  Read More
Earth Sunday/Native American Ministries Sunday
on April 20th, 2023
This Sunday is Earth Sunday/Native American Ministries Sunday, one of six special Sundays in The United Methodist Church. Native American Ministries Sunday serves to remind United Methodists of the gifts and contributions made by Native Americans to our society. A gap in knowledge exists about Native American life, cultures, languages, spirit, values, contemporary issues, and more. On this Sunday ...  Read More
Introducing our Spring Worship Series: New Life - Resurrection in God's Creation
on April 13th, 2023
Eastertide - the Great Fifty Days following Easter Sunday - is a season for celebrating new life. As we emerge from the wilderness of Lent, we receive the ancient stories of Jesus' resurrection appearances and contemplate the signs of resurrection emerging around us in the natural world. Join us on Sunday mornings at 10am (in-person and online at as we celebrate the ways that n...  Read More
Maundy Thursday: An at-home observance
on March 30th, 2023
For Maundy Thursday (April 6) this year, you are invited to make space at your dinner table for a Maundy Thursday observance. Click here for a beautiful at-home liturgy written by the Rev. Sarah Are. This liturgy invites you to bake a loaf of bread as part of contemplating Jesus' last supper with his disciples. If you do not enjoy baking, you can purchase a loaf from a local bakery or use whatever...  Read More
2023 Easter Offering
on March 30th, 2023
Dear Church,See, I am doing a new thing!    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?I am making a way in the wilderness    and streams in the wasteland. (Isaiah 43:19)God is always doing a new thing and we are especially aware of God's creative presence during the Easter season. As springtime blooms around us, our hearts respond, opening to the wonder of God's creation. We marvel at its abundanc...  Read More
Pastor's Notebook: Resilient Church Project
on March 29th, 2023
Dear church,We have exciting news to share and celebrate! In November, Community UMC submitted an application to the Resilient Church Project at Whitworth University, a program that gathers churches together to explore what it means to be resilient in the midst of our changing culture...and we have been accepted!This is tremendous news for our church. Here's why: The religious landscape in our cou...  Read More
Pastor's Notebook: Introducing our Lenten Worship Series - Wilderness
on February 23rd, 2023
Wilder • ness“state of the wild”Lent begins in the wilderness. The Spirit guides Jesus into the wilderness where he comes face to face with temptation and struggle. Yet, in his forty days of fasting, resisting, and wandering, Jesus is shaped and formed for his ministry. Similarly, through the wilderness of Lent, we are invited to surrender to the wild leadings of the Spirit. We rarely enter the wi...  Read More
Building a Visitation Ministry
on February 2nd, 2023
One of the marks of a resilient church is the ability to adapt to changing needs and contexts. Community UMC has a growing need for a visitation ministry focused on extending our church's hospitality and care to homebound members, building connections with visitors/new members, and responding to emergency care requests in the church and community. To help meet that need, we are pleased to announce...  Read More
All-Church Lenten Study: Walking in the Wilderness starting February 22nd
on February 2nd, 2023
The wilderness is a familiar place for those who follow Jesus. We spend 40 days in the wilderness during Lent--days in which God calls us to self-examination, repentance, and making room for the Holy One in our lives. Our task during Lent is to clear away the clutter from our hearts so we can be fully present to God and our neighbors. In our all-church Lenten study, Walking in the Wilderness, auth...  Read More
Come to Messy Church this Sunday!
on February 2nd, 2023
Messy Church is a monthly hands-on, family-friendly, all-ages worship service. At Messy Church we believe that God meets us in the mess! We practice the values of all-ages together, celebration, creativity, hospitality, and centering ourselves in Christ. Here's what you can expect at a Messy Church service:- Welcome- Hands-on activities- A short Bible story lesson- and a FREE community meal!Our Fe...  Read More