"Friendly people, great sermons, lots of ways to connect. "
- Teresa Seely
"A Christian community where relationships with others matter! A dynamic faith community."
-Gail Hanninen
"I felt very welcome and enjoyed the service especially the Praise Band. Pastor Heather made me feel as if she’d known me for quite a while. Thanks, Community!"
-Sue Binger

Weekly classes at community umc
Wednesday Brown Bag
Bring your lunch and your Bible to this group. They meet every Wednesday from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm to share the Word and dig into topics both controversial and inspirational. If you enjoy an atmosphere that allows for transparency and love, join the Brown Bag Bible Study! If you have any questions, connect with Jan Brackett at 208-667-2450
Thursday Quest Study
Every Thursday morning at 9 am in the Fellowship Hall is an opportunity to grow in your understanding and study of the Word of God. For more details connect with Carol Noy.
Quest will not meet on Thanksgiving!
Quest will not meet on Thanksgiving!
Sunday Afternoon Bible Study
Join us on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 4:00 pm with the "Triple L Flock" that loves to hang out, study and serve the community. Everyone is welcome. We meet at the church weekly. If you have any questions please connect with the office at 208-765-8800.